Friday, 10 April 2015

The Journey

How tumultuous the journey may seem; 
How high the tides may be; How unnerving the storms may be; 
I'm assured that God's love shall never depart from my within, 
If I continuously to abide in Jesus!

After feeding the five thousand with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, 
Jesus sent the disciples on a tumultuous journey and Jesus went praying.

The sea was raging; 
The waves were roughing in;
An unnerving moment; 
The moment of moments.

My sweet, cool Jesus, came walking on the sea knowing the moment of moments. 

What I and others saw was a phantom or some call ghost. 
How can I not recall my Jesus in such a time as this. 
Can't I recognize my many years being with him? 
A moment earlier I was part of feeding the multitudes.

Dear Jesus,
If it's you let me walk on the water towards "I AM".
With much apprehension I got down and walked and walked.
I am walking on the sea. You got to believe this!
Then came the moment of moments!
My faith and hope collapsed.

Good Jesus...
Save me....
A loud cry....

I felt the stretching, comforting arm of love being renewed,
but with a rebuking strength, "Why you doubt?"
And Jesus walked me, with me to my continuing journey.
The raging moment came to a silent whispering breeze.
I was a witness to others of the amazing favour that saves.

When Jesus lead me aboard my friends came to worship,
Adonai Ha-Adonim 
(The Lord of Lords) and 
Melech Ha-Melachim 
(The King of Kings) 
Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach.

Know the nature of Jesus which is within.
Never doubt Jesus's love when facing the moment of moments.
Be saturated in God's love always.

(Reference : Matthew 14:21-33; Mark 6:44-52; John 6:16-21)

Jane Robert - 11 April 2015

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