Friday, 29 May 2015


Before we leave our homes or offices, we look at the sky and then decide whether to carry an umbrella or not.
Before leaving for a trip, we get ready - check the car-petrol, water, tyres; we made arrangements for our pets and set the security alarm for our homes.
Before we sit for an exam, we get ready by studying.

Many things are happening around us and around the world.
     Things that we never expected.
          Things that terrified and horrified us.
               Things that we never imagined before.
  • Human turbulence! (family disintegration, inhumane killings, human trafficking) 
  • Skies turbulence! (chaotic weather, disappearing plane) 
  • Financial turbulence! (corruption, money laundering) 
  • Earth turbulence! (wars, floods, typhoons, hurricanes, tsunami, heat waves, earthquakes) 
The Bible tells us that these are signs of the End of the Age. Many more unpredictable things are going to happen. Whether we are ready or not for the End Times, it will dawn upon us. Are you ready for the End Times?

Although the End Times is a time of unprecedented world trouble, it is also the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Paul gave a wonderful perspective of how we should spiritually prepare for that time, whenever it comes:

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night or of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing” (1 Thess 5:4-11, NASB).


Tuesday, 19 May 2015



「敬拜」神是一个很大又很深奥的标题,也是基督徒生命最重要的呼召。主耶稣说:「时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。」(约423),心灵的敬拜就是「…信徒的灵与上帝的灵相协调、相团契,…,一定要有迁悔和认罪的部分,这才是真正的敬拜。」[1] 诚实的要素『不只要虔诚、诚恳更要信实合乎真理」,…「以基督耶稣的心为心」。以「这样的心」来敬拜才合乎「真理」。』[2] 敬拜神也是充满创意的,只要合乎圣经的教导,以什么方式敬拜就是次要的了。笔者在此只谈论以琴与炉复兴的方式来敬拜神。

一、   琴与炉敬拜的认识
     基督徒的生命即是敬拜神的生命,每天的生活就是敬拜;「在生活中荣耀上帝就是对上帝的真实敬拜;而真正的敬拜就是在生活中荣耀上帝。」[3] 在旧约时代,最鲜明的敬拜者是大卫王,他从年幼到临死的那一刻都在敬拜神,他是「合神心意的人」(撒上1314),他渴慕神的心是基督徒应学习的榜样,而大卫建立的帐幕就是「琴与炉」敬拜的典型。

1.    从大卫帐幕看琴与炉敬拜

2.        从启示录看琴与炉敬拜

         启示录是使徒约翰记录神给他看到未来和天堂的异象。天堂神圣的敬拜应该是属于神的子民所要追求学习的榜样;因为在永恒里,神的子民是不分昼夜的敬拜祂。当我们在地上以天国的方式来敬拜神,就必能蒙神悦纳,所以我们要看天国里敬拜神的模式。在启58「…,四活物和二十四位长老就俯伏在羔羊面前,各拿着琴和盛满了香的金炉;这香就是众圣徒的祈祷。他们就唱新歌,…」;接下来的情景是,四活物和长老们带领千千万万天使,与天地间宇宙万物合一唱新歌颂赞敬拜神,这是何等神圣、威严和壮观的敬拜大会呀!天上的敬拜联合地上圣徒的代祷,是开启神的旨意行在地上如同行在天上的钥匙。启示录多处记录了天使和众圣徒唱新歌颂赞神的圣洁和公义;启83-5 ,再次提到香的烟和众圣徒的祈祷升到神面前,然后「金香炉的火(神的公义和审判) [5] 就临到地上。可见,当敬拜和祷告并行时,神就彰显公义,施行审判,成就祂的旨意。

2.           现代琴与炉敬拜

         主后第6世纪直到第18世纪,期间都有兴起昼夜不停的敬拜祷告运动,并且带动复兴和灵魂大丰收。[6] 到了20世纪,1958年赵镛基牧师在汉城带领会友们用许多的通宵代祷,从50多位演变成每天有数千人在祷告山不住地禁食祷告;如此复兴就临到南韩。[7] 当一群热爱主又对灵魂有负担的信徒,同心合意恳切地在施恩宝座前敬拜代祷时,神必不会坐视不理。 转眼来看现代,汤海士牧师(Pastor Tom Hess)在1987年建立了万国祷告院(Jerusalem House Of Prayer For All Nation)特别为耶路撒冷及中东24小时代祷守望[8] 及毕迈克(Mike Bickle)堪萨斯市国际祷告之家(Kansas City International House of Prayer)在1999919 进入24小时昼夜不停轮班敬拜代祷,可说是琴与炉敬拜运动的先锋,他们的呼召是重修大卫倒塌的帐幕,堵住破口(摩911;徒1516)。[9] 如今,跨入21世纪,全球华裔教会的复兴,也吹起了琴与炉模式敬拜祷告浪潮的号角,如:桃园爱修祈祷园台北的大卫会幕祷告中心高雄高祷屋天幕敬拜团香港孵化箱事工、韩国、中国及印尼等地,马来西亚也有刚起步的「全地琴与炉学校[10] 在模式上虽有一些出入,其中不可缺的就是音乐的配搭。



1.           重修大卫倒塌帐幕的必要


就在撒旦兴波作浪的恶劣处境中,琴与金香炉的敬拜祷告」,更迫切要复兴起来。这羔羊的敬拜祷告,能帮助信徒在大患难中至死忠心,持守基督信仰到底,因为「圣徒的忍耐和信心就是在此」(启示录 1310), …。「敬拜祷告」叫我们更重视与主的关系,及将来天国的盼望,也拓宽我们属灵的视野,能分辨撒旦的工作。[11]
         主很看重信徒同心合意的敬拜祷告(太1818-20),这样的敬拜聚会吸引了主的同在,彰显祂的荣耀,甚至赐给信徒捆绑和释放的权柄来行神迹和神的旨意。[12] 从教会历史来看,复兴的火焰常常是由当地一群爱主的信徒聚集一起,专注于敬拜祷告点燃而起的。
2.        面对挑战




1.           灵命的塑造


2.           教会的冲击





刘世增。《耶和华是呼召你祷告的神—祷告的生命、争战与堂会复兴》。香港:以利亚使团有限公司, 20041月。
拉玛.柏士曼(Boschman, LaMar)。《敬拜新浪潮》(Future Worship)。平山译。台北:财团法人基督教以琳书房,20041月。
毕迈克(Bickle, Mike)。《成为合神心意的人》(After God’s Own Heart)。戴保堂译。台北:财团法人基督教以琳书房,20055月。
拉玛.柏士曼。《预言之歌》The Prophetic Song)。徐亚兰译。台北:财团法人基督教以琳书房,19889月。
布鲁格连Blomgren, David K.)。《复兴神的荣耀》Restoring God’s Glory)。台北:财团法人基督教以琳书房,198611月。
帕布罗.培瑞兹(PérezPablo)。《先知性敬拜者》(The Prophetic Worshiper)。吴曼玲译。台北:财团法人基督教以琳书房,20105月。

[1] 周联华,序于《敬拜人生-我活着是为敬拜》,夏中坚著,四版(马来西亚:人人书楼,2008),5。

[2] 同上。

[3] 夏中坚,《敬拜人生—我活着是为敬拜》四版(马来西亚:人人书楼,2008),55。

[4] 夏中坚,《敬拜人生—我活着是为敬拜》,166-67。

[5] 北京基督教会朝阳堂网站,「琴与炉---宝座前的敬拜,」宁波基督教百年堂(2009年4月1日), (2013年 7月23日存取)。

[6] 作者不详,「A Biblical and Historical Overview of Harp & Bowl-Part 1, July 2012,」“ BEHOLD HIM”(n.d.), (2013年 7月23日存取)。

[7] 赵镛基,《祷告:复兴之锁》,蔡耀明与廖爱华译,二版(台北:中国学园传道会,1987),8。

[8] Vladislav,「 About the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations ministry,」“Jews, Christians and the Good News”, entry posted on Dec 21, 2006, July 24, 2013).

[9] 作者不详,「A Biblical and Historical Overview of Harp & Bowl, Part 1 July 2012,」“BEHOLD HIM”(n.d.), (2013年 7月23日存取)。

[10] 作者不详,「琴与炉-在末后的时代,耶和华敬拜赞美的大能军队要被兴起!」全地音乐(2011年), (2013年7月26日存取)。

[11] 刘世增,「耶和华是呼召你祷告的神—祷告的生命、争战与堂会复兴」(香港:以利亚使团有限公司,2004),75。

[12] 刘世增,「耶和华是呼召你祷告的神—祷告的生命、争战与堂会复兴」,77。

[13] 以上五种模式的描述,都是从全地琴与炉敬拜学校的ppt课程的笔记简录而得的。

by Priscilla Law (PCC Chinese Department)

Friday, 10 April 2015

The Journey

How tumultuous the journey may seem; 
How high the tides may be; How unnerving the storms may be; 
I'm assured that God's love shall never depart from my within, 
If I continuously to abide in Jesus!

After feeding the five thousand with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, 
Jesus sent the disciples on a tumultuous journey and Jesus went praying.

The sea was raging; 
The waves were roughing in;
An unnerving moment; 
The moment of moments.

My sweet, cool Jesus, came walking on the sea knowing the moment of moments. 

What I and others saw was a phantom or some call ghost. 
How can I not recall my Jesus in such a time as this. 
Can't I recognize my many years being with him? 
A moment earlier I was part of feeding the multitudes.

Dear Jesus,
If it's you let me walk on the water towards "I AM".
With much apprehension I got down and walked and walked.
I am walking on the sea. You got to believe this!
Then came the moment of moments!
My faith and hope collapsed.

Good Jesus...
Save me....
A loud cry....

I felt the stretching, comforting arm of love being renewed,
but with a rebuking strength, "Why you doubt?"
And Jesus walked me, with me to my continuing journey.
The raging moment came to a silent whispering breeze.
I was a witness to others of the amazing favour that saves.

When Jesus lead me aboard my friends came to worship,
Adonai Ha-Adonim 
(The Lord of Lords) and 
Melech Ha-Melachim 
(The King of Kings) 
Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach.

Know the nature of Jesus which is within.
Never doubt Jesus's love when facing the moment of moments.
Be saturated in God's love always.

(Reference : Matthew 14:21-33; Mark 6:44-52; John 6:16-21)

Jane Robert - 11 April 2015

Monday, 30 March 2015

Let's do our part

For the past one week, we have been reading the good works done by the late Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore. Many were grateful to him for making Singapore what it is Today.

Easter is around the corner, as children of The Almighty God, we should reflect what our Heavenly Father has done for us: John 3:16 says,"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (NIV). In John 10:10 it also tells us that "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (ESV).

As a body of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:27 , we should reflect what Jesus has done for everyone ever since we were born!

Just as the late Lee Kuan Yew has left a legacy, Jesus Christ has given us the Holy Spirit to carry on the works that He has started 2000 years ago; "The Great Commission" Matthew 28:16-20 .

Let us do our part to tell everyone who will listen, “Jesus is alive!. He is real. GOD’s NOT DEAD!”

                                                                                                                        31 Mar 2015

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Excuse me, are you a Project Manager?

‘Project management’ the terminology almost unheard of in church ministry. Any corporate-ty word will be chuck aside by the majority. However, experience will demonstrate that planning and managing a project competently will ease the burden on the available resources, at the same time as allow the church to do well in large events and embark on new programs.

By profession, project management require a highly competent all rounder of the field and scope for that delivery, with a recognized project management methodology. As a result, the project manager will know exactly the stuffs that the team is doing and the ability with standardized terminology, expectations and management of all levels. However, the buzzword “PM” is heard in all industries and everyone seems to be a project manager ‘without credentials’.

Similarly, in any given task, Christian Leaders are call to lead projects in their Church or in their workplace, only to find that they possess little skills to manage project time, cost, scope, quality, human resource, procurement, communication, risk and integration.

Projects may be short or long; it is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources (PMI). It is quick and unique, transient endeavor, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits (APMUK) like running special services, evangelistic meetings, fund raising et al. It may be a ‘simple lunch meetings’ or ‘seminars’, a-walk-in-the-park for many experience leaders to run these projects. On the other hand, the spectrum may be massive and demanding like evangelistic meetings, concerts, building expansion projects. Project Management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a way that these resources deliver all the work required to complete a project within defined scope, time and cost constraints. (MIM)

Without formal project management coaching or knowledge, project management can be a mammoth task for many leaders. While, many inborn leaders are gifted with good organizational and time management skills that come in handy, nevertheless there is no guarantee that the project will turn out to be successful.

Setting up a new ministry, hosting conventions or opening an outreach are additions to the departments’ regular activities that blast with loads of responsibility (Resources Constrain). Due to constraints in available time for the delivery or lack of funding and resources, lets checkout the relevancy to implementing project management concepts into our endeavors.

A biblical project management concept could be found in Nehemiah 1-2 (Read more: A Biblical Reference to Project Management:

The first step to jump-start:

Project Deliverables (Scope Management)

More often than not, unclear with the entire deliverable is the factor contribute to project failure more than others. What is the project objective? If you are unsure, how can you plan right and deliver with results? Would you know the demarcation of the project? The fundamental of project management is identifying the output without ambiguosity.

Once you know exactly the deliverables, you then breakdown into sub-deliveries and defining the scope. Scope management will be the exclusive accountability of the Project Manager. Work out and grasp all the areas of impact that need to be tackle or potentially involved. Make out the steps to take to complete each identified section. Allocate time to work this part out with the team (stakeholders). Document the decisions and phases and sign-off once concur. Many experience and long time leader assume project management methodology to be overkill or overload in church’s work, but over a period (sometime short duration) memories disappear gradually, work not done, responsibility pushes around and misunderstandings crop up. Consequently, run into disagreement, where it can be awfully destructive for the leader, the team and over and above the church. With good documentation, these issues are evitable.

Mike Waddell (Project Management Guide for Christian Leaders)
Deborah Ike (Why Project Management Belongs in your Church)
Yngvi Rafn Yngvason (Jesus Christ the Project Leader)

Check back for more!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

君子爱财 取之有道









Monday, 2 March 2015

My Definition of a Testimony

The Sharing by Ray was indeed a blessing as his life and testimony was a witness to God's word
Psalm 23. It reminded me that we are God's epistles and our life's testimonies should bear witness to the truth and dependability of God's word. Our life shows that the word we preach works.
I pray that we would also walk with God closely that our lives would bear a true witness to the gospel of hope with we preach.
God bless.

Monday, 26 January 2015

My reflection from our trip to Kuala Krai

I was inspired to do something, anything to really touch the lives of people especially those who  our fast-paced society easily forget. "Jesus said I was hungry and you fed me, naked and you clothed me, homeless and you took me in..."