Message by APOSTLE NAOMI DOWDY on 3rd July 2014
Hallmark of the Early Church : Prayer Power & Commitment to Community
* C - Commitment to community
* M - secret to Maintaining community
Don't Miss Church!
A Church is A Community of Believers and not a Building! Acts 2:41-42
1. Basis for community : AUTHORITY
The Teaching and Learning is Lived out in the Community based on the
Authority of God’s Word.
- Every believer has a JD (job description) - to teach others
- We need teachers and devoted learning
Acts and the Epistles mentions the word “brother” or “brethren” 147 times
- Commitment to one another
- Relationship, support and caring for one another
a) The “Breaker Anointing” is the Core Anointing of the Apostolic Church
- Break open the spiritual atmosphere over
- geographical areas,
- individuals in bondage,
- churches in blindness
- Break mindset and see transformation
- Be Revolutionize!!!
b) The Second Anointing is called the “Cluster Anointing”
A single individual has an anointing - but the impact is limited
But…. When Leaders join together -
there is a Corporate or Cluster Anointing
there is a Corporate or Cluster Anointing
that Releases Supernatural Power to destroy the enemy’s kingdom
3. Secret to Maintaining community : PRAYER
Bible says we are to “pray without ceasing”.
Don't just confess prayer but practice prayer!
- Prayer
- increase faith
- inspire thanksgiving
- pluck out all bitterness
- change our temper
- Prayer not only impact others, it impacts us
To build an Unstoppable Church,
God is interested in
...the size of your faith..the size of your commitment!
...the size of your faith..the size of your commitment!