Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The One Thing Great Leaders Know They Must Do by Joseph Lalonde

Great leaders know they must do lots of things. Great leaders need to be aware of their team’s emotions. Great leaders need to be consuming and creating fresh content. Great leaders need to take people to new heights.

But great leaders also know there’s one thing that is required to lead well. What is that one thing? Keep reading to find out.

Great Leaders Do This

We already know that great leaders do many things. All of them are part of great leadership but there’s one thing that help mediocre leaders move to the level of greatness.

This action is something most of us have done all of our lives. Yet we hate it. We struggle with taking this action.

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable because doing this makes us feel like less of a leader. Other times we don’t think we can do this because we haven’t been able to find the right one.

So, what is it that great leaders do?

Great leaders know they must be followers if they’re going to lead well.

That’s right. You read that last line correctly.

Great leaders are great followers.

They find leaders who are one, two, three, or more steps ahead of them. Then they study and learn from the masters.

Why Great Leaders Must Be Great Followers

Something magical happens when we begin to follow great leaders who are ahead of us. Their wisdom and knowledge begins to be passed down to us. We’re able to learn from those who are better than us (and yes, there are tons of people who are better than you).

Not only will you gain knowledge and insight from following these leaders, you’ll also remember what it’s like to be a follower. This will remind you to treat those you’re leading well. You’re in the same position and another leader could treat you poorly. And I know you don’t want that to happen.
Who I’m Following

I’ve made a habit of studying great leaders and what they’ve done right. I’ve become a follower of these men and women. To honor these people, I wanted to give a shout out so they know I appreciate their hard work and leadership.

Who are you following and why? Take a minute to honor these leaders by sharing who they are and what they’ve done in your life.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


This is an account of a family tragedy that was avoided because of God's grace and the prayers of the saints at Praise City Church. Once again I am reminded that God is Almighty in life and in death. This account is to give God the glory and to thank those who have been praying for us.

It started with my daughter, Eunice, coming down with fever on June 30, 2014. The following day I called our family clinic to arrange for a blood test to scan for dengue fever. The clinic instructed us to come after the third day of fever for the tests to be accurate. By Saturday, July 5, her fever broke. Even though she recovered from fever, she felt nauseous and tired. On the morning of July 8, she started having rashes. That afternoon I took her to our family clinic for a blood test and her blood palette count was 122, slightly below normal. I believed she was recovering from dengue. Two days later, a blood test revealed her blood palette count was back to normal. The whole family was oblivious about Eunice having contracted and recovered from dengue fever.

Two days later, on July 12, my wife, Jacqlyn developed fever. On July 14, I drove her to Columbia Asia Hospital Balakong and she was admitted on suspicion of dengue. We have medical insurance and believe she has good medical care. I know there is no cure for dengue fever. Upon admission her blood palette count was normal at 130. That was a Monday. Her palette count dropped daily. By Thursday it was 30 and she was admitted to Intensive Care Unit. She was bleeding continuously for 2 days from the nose, gums and other parts of the body. On Friday her palette count had dropped to 10. The following day she vomited in ICU. She was very weak and disorientated. By this time she was getting confused with events and time. However one memory stood out crystal clear for her. She remembered clearly during the most trying period, her non Christian brother encouraged her to pray to Jesus for quick healing. Jacqlyn remembered a surge of faith and prayed specifically for immediate healing. The good Lord was gracious to answer her prayer. There is power in the name of Jesus. Many leaders, members and christian friends were informed and praying for Jacqlyn by the second day of her admission. Pastors and members from PCC visited and prayed for her. Heartfelt thanks to all for prayers and concern. I believe the Lord answered our prayers and delivered Jacqlyn from death.

Till now it is still scary and shocking. Jaclyn's palette count rapidly dropped in a week! In a way, the Lord spared me from this dreaded week of fear and torment. I came down with fever on Tuesday, the second day of Jacqlyn's hospital stay. Previously, I determined to bring food, fruits and home cooked soup for her hospital stay but I could not. All I could do was short visits once a day. From Tuesday through Friday I was sleeping 16-19 hours a day. It was sleep, drink some soup and back to sleep. I couldn't send Joshua to school. With myself knocked out, there was little time or energy to worry and tremble about a dying wife. My fever broke on Friday and the following day I taught Sound Engineering at a Subang church. By Sunday I developed rashes which confirmed I had dengue as well. The following day, Monday, Joshua came down with fever and a few days later he had rashes as well. In 3 weeks the whole family came down with dengue fever.

Jacqlyn's turning point came on Saturday, July 19. Her palette count started rising in the afternoon. By Monday, July 21, she was transferred back to normal ward and was discharged the following day. The family took almost a month to recover and gain back strength from this ordeal. I suffered from tiredness and depression for 2 weeks since my fever broke.

In retrospect, Jacqlyn came so close to death without the family realising or feeling it. I know if I had not been knocked out I would have been very worried. Life and death is in our Father's hand. God alone is able to bring us out of the valley of the shadow of death. Once again, there is power in corporate prayer and a God whose wisdom transcends above the workings on man. All glory to God and thank you members of Praise City Church for your care and support.

Tim. L S.O.A

Friday, 22 August 2014

How To Deal With The Rapid Increase In Innovation by Joseph Lalonde

Blink and another innovation has passed you by. You might even be like Blockbuster Video or Blackberry and crumbling as we speak.

All because innovation came and you weren’t ready.

Know what I’m saying? Innovation is moving at an ever increasing pace. This leaves many businesses struggling to play catchup. Some never do.What Is Innovation?

Leaders can get caught up in trying to define innovation. It’s really simple in concept: Innovation is the process of change.

The innovation may be:
  • VHS moving to DVD moving to streaming video
  • Mechanical hard drives changing to solid state drives
  • Print media moving towards digital media
These innovations provided a slight shift and change in the way we consumed and stored data. Honestly, it’s crazy how quickly these changes happened.

Your business may see different innovations happening. There’s a long list that I’m sure I could never accurately capture so think on some of the innovations you’ve seen and how they’ve affected your business.
How To Deal With Innovation

Your business depends on how you deal with the innovations hitting your industry. You’ve got to be nimble and quick in making the transitions and figuring out if the new innovation is here to stay or will be gone tomorrow.

Blockbuster doubted the power of streaming video and getting a DVD by mail compared to visiting a physical location. Eventually Netflix, Redbox, and other innovative entertainment companies put Blockbuster out of business.

Had Blockbuster taken note of the changes in their industry sooner, there may have been a different story.

Imagine, for a minute, had Blockbuster reacted proactively to the changes in the home entertainment industry. Instead of holding tight to their brick and mortar stores, could Blockbuster have transitioned into a new media powerhouse?

I think it’s possible. They even tried by going the mail order route but took too long to hop in.

Businesses need to be quick in noticing the new innovative trends in their industries. This means keeping an ear to the ground and listening for the faint rumble of change.

Businesses need to be willing to take a chance on innovation. You can’t sit around doing the same thing over and over again. Especially as new technology is emerging. You’ve got to quickly adapt your business to the ever-changing world around you.

Businesses need to be able to form partnerships. Facebook and Google know this. They’re quickly acquiring new technology companies that help expand their technology portfolios. They know by joining with others, they enhance their own work.

Don’t be scared to embrace new innovations (6 Ways To Be An Innovative Leader)
. They’re going to be what gets your company through the next 5-10 years. Be willing to be the leader your business needs it to be.

What’s that leader look like?
Now, go and be that leader!
Question: How do you deal with innovations in your business? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Joseph Lalonde currently serve on the leadership staff for E3(formerly HYM, Haven Youth Ministry), the youth group of Oakcrest Church of God. Joseph have mentored many students and have seen their lives changed through our teachings. Serving on the staff of E3 has been one of the most fulfilling experiences one could imagine.

Joe & his wife recently were asked to become the leaders of a small group of married couples that meet two to three times a month. We are excited to see where this leadership opportunity will bring us.

Great stories include relationships, leaders, adventure, and inspiration. Great stories excite us, intrigue us, and leave us wanting more.

I hope you will notice these aspects on my site and in my life. Enjoy!


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

B.C.M. of The Unstoppable Church

Message by APOSTLE NAOMI DOWDY on 3rd July 2014

Hallmark of the Early Church : Prayer Power & Commitment to Community

* B  - Basis for community
* C  - Commitment to community
* M - secret to Maintaining community

Don't Miss Church! 
A Church is A Community of Believers and not a Building!  Acts 2:41-42

1. Basis for community : AUTHORITY
    The Teaching and Learning is Lived out in the Community based on the
    Authority of God’s Word.
  • Every believer has a JD (job description) - to teach others
  • We need teachers and devoted learning
2. Commitment to community
    Acts and the Epistles mentions the word “brother” or “brethren” 147 times
  • Commitment to one another
  • Relationship, support and caring for one another

     a) The “Breaker Anointing” is the Core Anointing of the Apostolic Church 
  • Break open the spiritual atmosphere over 
    • geographical areas,
    • individuals in bondage,
    • churches in blindness
  • Break mindset and see transformation
  • Be Revolutionize!!!

    b) The Second Anointing is called the “Cluster Anointing”
        A single individual has an anointing - but the impact is limited
               But…. When Leaders join together -
                   there is a Corporate or Cluster Anointing 
                       that Releases Supernatural Power to destroy the enemy’s kingdom

3. Secret to Maintaining community : PRAYER
    Bible says we are to “pray without ceasing”.
    Don't just confess prayer but practice prayer! 
  • Prayer 
    • increase faith
    • inspire thanksgiving
    • pluck out all bitterness
    • change our temper
  • Prayer not only impact others, it impacts us  

To build an Unstoppable Church, 

                                             God is interested in                                                       
...the size of your faith..the size of your commitment!

Friday, 7 March 2014

What are the Leaders talking about the last Prayer Rally

God is up to something special. The prayer attendance broke the 150 mark. The strong presence of God was felt in the whole meeting. A whole gang from Youth-X showed up. The hall was jammed and every aisle was packed with another row of chairs. Those who showed up, heartily decided to seek God corporately again next Thursday.

A revival in prayer is definitely stirring. PTL!

Ps. Aris

Amen, Hallelujah! Indeed I am very excited to see what God is doing in our midst. I forgot to add to my testimony last night that my sister family from US would be joining the festival of blessings after I urge her to forego her trip to Genting during that period and praise God though booking has been made for 1 week stay, my brother managed to find replacement for her. God is good and believe God will touch her family!

Carol Tay

Wonderful worship time and message Exodus 14. 'Stand firm and be still' A timely word of God as we face many challenges of today.

Susan Nyau

Thank God and Glory to His Name! Thank you Praise City Church, to all who came and prayed and a special thanks for Ps Aris and Ps Sheila who telephoned Lina to come for the prayers. True to His word God's mighty presence was there and felt. Thank you all for the fervent, passionate and compassionate prayers. We can't repay but Praise God, He rewards you and multiply many folds the good seeds you have sowed for the Glory of His Name.

(At least two didn't write their attendance in, my sis fr Brisbane and another from Sarawak) They were also very encouraged.

Yusup Murang

Monday, 20 January 2014


Everything that God has spoken about our lives and has done for us are all available for our taking and demonstration as a witness and a testimony to those things which His word has said about them that believe. [...from the days of John the baptist until the present time the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force as a precious prize. A share in the heavenly kingdom (PROMISES) is sought with ardent zeal and intense exertion] ...Elijah was a man JUST like us... LA.

Friday, 10 January 2014

11 Jan 14: The leaders & shepherds thoughts...

Do you believe that we can have more than 100 in attendance for our prayer meetings from now on?

Definitely we can. After all it is only once in a month. My cell members will support. PTL.
Darid Lim

YES! Great things are in store!
Yusup Murang

Great worship & powerful message from Pastor Aris. The LORD is taking us to greater heights! Let's keep the momentum going!
Jane Robert

Yes nothing is impossible He is the almighty God we serving, I believe that He is pleased when His people come to worship and pray in ONE heart ONE mind ONE spirit, press on!! PTL
Ps. Carol Yap

Like the counting to 600. Such a motivating Tool! The roar of 600 builds the Faith.
Susan Nyau

Spark of a bush fire has just started! Better have continuity instead of zonal for time being. Better use Royal Hall as expecting more.
Leong Sek Hoe

Nothing is impossible!
As far as youth is concerned, will also need to motivate their parents as they still need their parents to send them!
Thanks to parents ---Sek Hoe, Valerie, Elsie, Gan Teng, Carol, Quek, Aaron Etc etc who brought your children yesterday.
Amelia Tan

More great happening is ahead of us.
Michael Tan

This morning we have a great time at GOD FIRST where we begin to pray & intercede 

what a great time to pray in the morning 
Terrence Poh