Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The Need for Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear, it is doing the right thing in spite of the fear and risk of failure. God however can not fail. All the more reason for us to be strong and courageous when we are in God's purpose.
The just shall live by faith. God is not a man that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man that He should feel repentance for what He has promised. Has He said and shall He not do it? or has He spoken and shall He not make it good?


Thursday, 31 October 2013

The New 'Normal'

Exciting! Upbeat and groovy. Uplifting. That was last Sunday's praise section led by Omega team. I believe the other teams can do it too. Let's make this the new standard to be expected every Sunday. Great stuff. Do it again and again and again. Make His Name Great!


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Be Strong !!!

The days will come and for some you are in those days already when quitting what God requires us to do begins to make more sense and becomes a very attractive and seemingly productive option.
God is NOT a man that He should tell (or act) a lie neither the son of man that He should feel repentance (for what He has promised)..... (Numbers 23:19) (AMP)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

On your mark, get set, GO...

The building of God's house and His kingdom is the same as the building of our lives for we are the temple of God, His holy habitation, His dwelling place and ultimately His house. As in Haggai, it is time and God is ready. ARE YOU?


Friday, 18 October 2013


It is always a joy to be a blessing. Let your testimony as great as it maybe of what God has done for you not just be all about yourself. There is a higher level of testimony that God desires and that is the testimony of your life and actions being a blessing, an encouragement and a source of upliftment of those around you. We have in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Many around the world are looking for this hope in an ever changing and uncertain economic, political and religious realities of his age. The world’s systems (educational, political, economic, religious) and it’s assurances are not enough and not a guaranty for a successful and victorious life and future.

Therefore, since we have in us a different kind of hope that makes us radiate in glory no matter what happens, let us therefore not fail daily and at every opportunity we have to share this hope with others, let us like Christ learn to SEEK and bring hope to those we meet every day. SEEK to invite someone every week to our amazing Sunday worship encounter in Praise City KL and they will find hope for their life – THE HOPE THAT DOESN'T MAKE ASHAMED.

God bless.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Something exciting has been happening!

Hi folks,

Something exciting has been happening.

Some time ago, during the Rambabu Healing Rally preparation week, my son has been attending XEE ( X generation extreme evangelism ) training. It starts about 8.00am and ends 4.00pm. The first 2 days were classroom training and the 3rd day onwards they went to Petaling Street to do street evangelism.

On the first day he shared with his "kau fu" and some others. He also came in to my branch wanting to share with my colleagues (I told him to share with them outside the office). He shared with one of my colleague. The other two were like zombies and tense (his exact words), so he left them alone.

That evening we went home together and he shared with me what he had learned from the XEE. I listened and he asked an astounding question. "Mummy, do you want me to share the gospel with you?" To help him sharpen his skills, I obliged. He wasn't very eloquent and forgot some points but his illustration was powerful. To give him more practices, I said the sinner's prayer with him.

When we reached home, he immediately indicated to me he wanted to share with Ms Puah (his sister's tuition teacher). He was shy to ask, so I asked her permission. She listened to him while I was upstairs (I did eavesdrop). According to my daughter, he was even referring to his notes while sharing. He was trying very hard to remember and put to practice what he has been taught and when he shared a life story to anchor in Christ' taking over our punishment, Ms Puah was almost in tears. When he asked her whether she wants to accept Christ she replied "'ll give it a try", and L led her in the sinner's prayer. After welcoming her in the kingdom with the conventional handshake, he gave another powerful illustration on "Roman handshake" on God never letting go of our hand.

I came down and wrap things up and of course invited her to the Rambabu Meeting. She said she can only come on Saturday evening as her tuition schedules are tight on Friday and Sunday.

Hope this testimony will encourage you.


P/S 'L' didn't stop with Ms Puah, he had shared with Aunty Rose and attempted on Aunty Rose's sister...., surely the fire is spreading.  I am certain that he will ask his father as well!